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Article: Awla (Emblica officinalis) | Awla Medical Advantages

Awla (Emblica officinalis)


Dr. Veena

Awla (Emblica officinalis)

Classical Name: Aamalki, Vrishya, Amritaphal  

English Name: Emblic myrobalan, Indian gooseberry  

Parts Used: Root bark, stem bark, leaf, fruit, seed.

Let's discuss the Awla in two parts:  

1) Medicinal Value  

2) Natural Home Remedies

Action and Uses

- Flowers: Cooling and aperients.

- Leaves: Useful to treat inflammation, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and dysentery.

- Root Bark: Acts as an astringent and is useful to treat ulcerative conditions and stomatitis.

- Fruits: Astringent, cooling, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, tonic, carminative, and digestive.

Pharmacological Activities

- Hypolipidemic, antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiulcer, hepatoprotective.

- The extract of Amla has antimicrobial properties.  

 Ref: Valsaraj R., Pushpangadan P., Nyman U., Smitt U.W., Adsersen A., and Gudiksen L., Proceedings of the Fourth Intern. Cong. Ethnobiol., NBRI, Lucknow. 49, 17 (1994).

Clinical Applications

Awla is effective in the treatment of Amlapitta (peptic ulcer) and dyspepsia.  


  1. Singh B.N., and Sharma P.V., J Res. Indian Med. 5, 223 (1971).
  2. Banu N., Patel V., Chansouria J.P.N., Malhotra O.P., and Udupa K.N., J. Res. Edu. Indian Med. 1, 29 (1982).
  3. Tripathi P.C., Shaw B.P., Mishra R.K., and Mishra P.K., Indian Medicine 4, 11 (1992).
  4. Chawla Y.K., Dubey P., Singh R., Nundy S., and Tandon B.N., Vagbhata 5, 24 (1987).

Clinical Trial:

During a clinical trial, an Ayurvedic preparation Aamlaki Rasayan (chiefly consisting of P. emblica fruits) on 39 cases of duodenal ulcer and 21 cases of non-ulcer dyspepsia was found to be very effective, with 72% of patients showing no recurrence of signs and symptoms for a period of 6 months to 3 years of follow-up observations.  

Ref: Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda Vol -3. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Dept. of ISM &H, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

The decoction of dried fruit of Awla (5g boiled in 80ml of water till 20ml is left) was given twice daily after the principal meals to 14 patients of acidity. The response of the drug was assessed in terms of subjective and objective improvement by measuring the concentration of total free acids.  

Ref: Tripathi P.C., 1992. The Role of Amalki in the Management of Amlapitta, Indian Medicine, v(2), 11.

Chemical Constituents

Awla is a good source of Vitamin C.

Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency causes defective formation of collagen, impaired healing of wounds, capillary hemorrhage, and reduced platelet adhesiveness. It is useful for the growth and repair of tissues in the body, forming proteins needed for tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It helps to optimize immunity and maintain proper development and function of many parts of the body.

Natural Home Remedies

- For Burning Sensation in Urine: Take 10 ml juice of Awla fruits twice daily with honey.

- For Diabetes:

  1. Take Awla churna (4 parts) and add Haldi (1 part). Mix thoroughly. Take one teaspoon twice a day.
  2. Take one teaspoon of Awla juice and add half a teaspoon of Karela juice. Drink this once a day.

- To Prevent Ageing Symptoms: Take one teaspoon of Awla powder, add half a teaspoon of sugar and one-fourth teaspoon of ghee. Take this twice daily.

- For Pyorrhea: Extract the juice of fresh Awla and add 1 drop of mustard oil. Apply it on the gums.

- For Summer Season: To avoid problems due to excessive heat like excessive thirst, vertigo, and debility, drink Awla juice twice a day.

- For Bed Wetting: Take Awla churna and Kali mire churna in equal parts. Add one-fourth teaspoon of sugar. Take half a teaspoon with cold water.

- For Diarrhea and Dysentery: Take the powder of dried Awla fruits twice a day.

- For Anemia and Jaundice: Take the juice of Awla (10 to 15 ml) twice a day.

- To Optimize Immunity: Mix Awla juice and carrot juice in equal parts. Drink one glass of this mixture twice a day.

- For Bleeding Piles: Make a powder of dried Awla fruits and take this powder twice daily with milk.

- For Worms:

  1. Extract the juice from Awla and add honey. Take this once a day.
  2. Take a powder of dried Awla fruit (half teaspoon) and add the powder of Vayvidang (one-fourth teaspoon). The dose varies by age, so consult an Ayurvedic physician or the author.

- For Excessive Bleeding During Menstruation: Mix the powder of dried Awla fruit with ripe banana powder. Take this once a day.

- For Sore Throat: Mix Awla powder with honey and take this twice a day.

- For Rheumatism:

  1. Take Awla juice daily.
  2. Take a mixture of Awla and jaggery once every fifteen days.

- For Detoxification and as a Mild Laxative: Mix Awla, Haritaki, and Behada in equal parts. Take this mixture (one teaspoon) with lukewarm water before bed. This combination is known as Triphla.

- To Improve Eyesight: Take Awla juice daily.

- For Leucorrhea: Take Awla powder with water once a day.

- For Dry Cough: Take the powder of dried Awla fruits with lukewarm cow’s milk.

Kitchen Use

Awla pickle can be prepared.

External Use

- For Gargles: A decoction of leaves can be used to treat mouth ulcers.

- To Remove Dandruff: Make a paste of Awla fruit. Add the paste of tender Tulasi and Nimba leaves. Apply this paste on the scalp for about 15 minutes, then wash it off with water.

- For Healthy Hair: Take dried pieces of Awla, Hirada, and Beheda. Add Jatamansi and Shikakai sheng. Soak all these ingredients in water overnight. Boil in the morning, filter, and use the water to wash your hair.

- For Healthy Skin: Apply the paste of Awla on the face.

Side Effects (Avoid)

- Hypersensitivity to foods containing Vitamin C.

- Avoid the intake of Awla in hypoglycemic conditions.


- Persons taking anticoagulant drugs.

Granthokta Formulations

- The main ingredient of Chyawanprash (Rasayan mentioned in Ayurvedic texts) is Awla. Chyawanprash has been known for its rejuvenating activity since the Vedic period.

- The main ingredient of Aamalki Rasayan (mentioned in Ayurvedic texts) is Awla.

- Ingredient of Triphla (medicine mentioned in Ayurvedic texts).

Though I have mentioned the quantity of ingredients in some natural home remedies, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic physician for proper dosage.

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