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Article: Menopause | Premature Menopause | Symptoms of Menopause


Reviewed By: Dr. Veena

Ayurvedic Physician

Published: March 4, 2024

Menopause refers to the natural cessation of menstruation, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 50. It is a part of the natural aging process, marking the end of fertility. Women should not overly concern themselves with this aging process or the loss of their beauty, as it is a natural transition.


Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing eggs, leading to marked changes in hormonal levels, especially a decrease in estrogen.

When menopause occurs at the age of 45 or later, it is considered a normal part of the aging process. However, when it occurs before the age of 40, it is termed Premature Menopause.

Causes of Premature Menopause:

Hysterectomy, chemotherapy, premature ovarian failure, infections such as tuberculosis, mumps, and hyperthyroidism may cause premature menopause.


This is the period around the onset of menopause, often marked by various physical signs such as hot flushes and menstrual irregularities.

Symptoms of Menopause:

  • Psychological: Mood swings, irritability, depression, negative thought processes, and anxiety.
  • General: Fatigue, headache, increased pulse rate, increased heartbeats, disturbed sleep, hot flushes, night sweats, irregularities in menstrual cycle, breast tenderness, increased facial hair growth, and narrowing of arteries.
  • Skeletal: Joint pain, muscle pain, backache, decreased bone density leading to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures.
  • Urogenital Atrophy: Dryness, watery discharge, urinary urgency, itching, and predisposition to urinary tract infections.
  • Sexual: Painful intercourse, decreased libido.
  • Skin Changes: Skin on the neck and face may become red, dryness, itching, tingling sensations, thinning, drying, loss of elasticity, and the development of wrinkles.

Postmenopausal Period:

This is the period that occurs after menopause. Risk factors during this period include osteoporosis, poor muscle tone, heart disease, and weak vision.

Herbs to Treat Menopause:

  • Herbs containing phytoestrogens such as Shatavari and Yashtimadhu are advisable.
  • A powder mixture of Withania somnifera (winter cherry) and Bacopa monnieri can help alleviate irritability.
  • Nardostachys jatamansi (Jatamansi) helps relieve stress and anxiety associated with menopause.

Natural Home Remedies:

  • Follow an appropriate diet and lifestyle modifications to promote postmenopausal health.
  • Increase intake of soybeans, garlic, apples, pumpkin seeds, wheat, beetroot, cabbage, oats, and cucumber.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin E and raw sprouted seeds.
  • Massage with aroma oils may alleviate emotional disturbances.
  • Coconut water and sunflower seeds are beneficial.
  • Ensure sufficient intake of calcium through milk products, cheese, and beans.
  • Drink milk daily and consume foods containing vitamin D.
  • Incorporate phytoestrogen-rich foods such as soy products, lima beans, and chickpeas into the diet.
  • Exercise regularly with activities like jogging, walking, swimming, and cycling.

Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT):

  • HRT should be assessed in individual women and not prescribed routinely.
  • Perimenopausal women may benefit from cyclic HRT rather than continuous HRT.
  • HRT is indicated for preventing osteoporosis in women with early menopause and treating osteoporosis in women in their early fifties with troublesome menopausal symptoms.
  • Natural estrogens are preferred over synthetic ones due to fewer side effects.

If experiencing postmenopausal bleeding, consult a doctor immediately, as it could indicate serious health issues.

Consult with an Ayurvedic physician or doctor before trying any of the aforementioned remedies.

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