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Article: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) | Blood Clotting Treatment

Deep Vein Thrombosis


Dr. Veena

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) fall under the category of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). The majority of pulmonary emboli arise from the propagation of lower limb DVT. The most common presentation of venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) is with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) of the leg and pulmonary embolism.

DVT has an annual incidence of approximately 1 in 1000 in Western populations. It is increasingly common with aging, and many deaths occur due to coexisting medical conditions.

In Deep Vein Thrombosis formation, a blood clot occurs in a deep vein, predominantly in the legs of persons at high risk of DVT.

[Ref: Davidson’s Principles & Practice Of Medicine, 21st Edition]


Cigarette smoking, family history of DVT, trauma to the legs, surgery on the legs or feet, diabetes, liver disease, air passengers, cancer, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, persons required to sit for long hours, increasing age, obesity, varicose veins, family history, especially of unprovoked VTE at a young age, pneumonia, neurological conditions related to immobility (e.g., stroke, paraplegia), inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal surgery especially for cancer, sitting for long periods when traveling.

[Ref: Davidson’s Principles & Practice Of Medicine, 21st Edition]


Excessive pain where the clot forms, palpitations may occur, swelling, blue-colored bulge, lower limb DVT characteristically starts in the distal veins, causing pain, swelling, increased temperature, and dilation of the superficial veins. It is typically unilateral, but sometimes it can be bilateral when the clot extends proximally into the inferior vena cava. Unilateral leg swelling includes a traumatic calf muscle tear. Anticoagulants and blood-thinning drugs decrease the ability of blood to clot. Aspirin or Warfarin are the drugs used for this in modern medicine.

Natural Home Remedies:

  • Salicylates can be used to reduce the blood clotting.
  • Spices containing salicylates: Cinnamon, Tumeric, Oregano, Peppermint, Ginger
  • Foods containing salicylates: Most fruits, including dried fruits. (Slightly higher quantities can be found in blueberries, cranberries, grapes, cherries, strawberries, oranges)
  • Ginger root (Zingiber Officinale) acts as a blood thinner But if you are taking Aspirin or a blood-thinning drug then don’t take it or take it under the advice of a doctor.
  • If your Doctor allows you, add one teaspoon of lemon juice (Japanese researchers stated that citric acid and polyphenol present in lemon juice may help to prevent DVT) and small pieces of ginger in a glass of water and drink it once a day. Ginger root helps to relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels thus allowing the blood to circulate more freely through the legs.
  • Ginger contains a compound known as gingerol which prevents blood cells and platelets from clotting and clumping. Acts as a natural blood thinner, gingerol has a similar structure as that of acetylsalicylic acid. These two compounds have the same effect on prostaglandin production.
  • Researchers from  Australia stated that it may inhibit the enzyme cox -1 In conclusion they mentioned that gingerol compounds and their derivatives are more potent anti-platelet agents. Ref: Nutjahja – Tjendraptra E, Amit A J,Rou fogalis BD, Tran VH,DukeC..C. Effective anti platelet and cox-1 enzyme ihhibitors from pungent constituents of ginger. Thromb Res 2003, III (4-5): 259-65
  • The use of ginger (Zingiber Officinalis ) as a potential anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic agent Thomson M, A1 – Quttan K K, A I Sawan S M, Alnaqeeb  MA , Khan T, Ali M.Department of Biological Sciences faculty of science, Saat, Kuwait PMID 12468270 (pub med-indexed for Medicine)
  • Give elevation to the leg while sleeping.
  • Broccoli, Banana,  Apricot is advisable
  • Take skimmed milk.
  • While cooking use Capsicum and Pepper,
  • Cod liver is advisable. The blood thinning effects of fish oil happen in the arterial system
  • Omega 3 fatly acids is advisable
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa ) helps to prevent new clot from forming . Turmeric can reduce the fibrinogen level also. Ref: Ramire Z- Bosca A, Soler A, Carrion guiterrez m M A. Mira Dp Zapatas JP, Diaz- Alperi J, Bernd A Almagro EQ. and Miquel J. An hydroalcoloic extract of Curcuma longa lower the abnormally high values of human plazma fibrinogen Mech Aging Dev 200, 114:207-20.
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa ) helps to prevent new clots from forming. Turmeric can reduce the fibrinogen level also. Ref: Ramire Z- Bosca A, Soler A, Carrion guiterrez m M A. Mira Dp Zapatas JP, Diaz- Alperi J, Bernd A Almagro EQ. and Miquel J. An hydroalcoloic extract of curcuma longa lower the abnormally high values of human plazma fibrinogen Mech Aging Dev 200, 114:207-20.
  • Bee pollen is also used to thin the blood
  • For healthy capillaries grape seed extract can be given.
  • In panchakarma center leech therapy is given to treat DVT.  But to date, I have not used it in my practice. So I  can’t say anything about this.
  • Gentle exercise like walking is advisable.
  • Herbs -Ginger, Skullcap, and Valerian Root help to dilate the blood vessels and help in assisting circulation.


  • Quit smoking
  • Too much intake of Tea and Coffee.
  • Try to keep Blood Pressure in control
  • Avoid food rich in vitamin  K as it gives rise to the chances of DVT.
  • Avoid processed meat.
  • Do not take Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs without the permission of the Doctor.

Precautions To Be Taken:

  • If the patient with DVT is taking anticoagulant medicine, then he/she should take some precautions. 
  • Regularly do blood tests. Do not take herbs with blood-thinning properties with blood-thinner medicine without consulting a Doctor. 
  • Injuries may cause excessive bleeding. Try to avoid it.


Doppler, D-Dimer Blood Test, X-Ray - shows the veins of the affected area, Protein C and protein S level.

Though I have mentioned the quantity of ingredients in some Natural Home Remedies, it is advisable to take the quantity with the consultation of an Ayurvedic Physician.

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