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Article: Digestive Disorder | Geriatric Digestive Disorders

Ayurvedic Management of Geriatric Digestive Disorders  


Dr. Sachin J. Pachnge, (PG Student)

Dr. V.H. Wankhade (Guide)


In older age, significant changes occur in the gastrointestinal system, including relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, decreased mucosal prostaglandin synthesis in the stomach, and atrophy of the small intestine. These changes contribute to digestive disorders in the elderly, often characterized by altered motility and secretion. Symptoms such as poor appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, or constipation may arise, exacerbated by emotional factors. Neglecting these issues can lead to complications like anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or fistula-in-ano, resulting in poor nutrition and weight loss. Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to address these disorders by focusing on maintaining jatharagni (digestive fire) through diet, lifestyle changes, and therapeutic interventions.

Potential and Strength of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda emphasizes dietary and lifestyle modifications to maintain digestive health, including eating slowly, avoiding overeating, and consuming warm, properly digested meals. Panchakarma, Ayurveda's purification and detoxification therapy, plays a crucial role in managing digestive disorders in the elderly, targeting specific treatments like virechana (therapeutic purgation) for acidity and basti (medicated enema) for constipation. Additionally, Ayurvedic formulations complement diet and lifestyle adjustments, effectively addressing dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis, and acidity.

Some digestive disorder and its management


Dyspepsia otherwise called indigestion in normal terms, is an uncomfortable feeling in the upper part of the abdomen usually associated with pain, distention, burning sensation, sour belching etc.

ManagementThe main stay in treatment in modern science is administration of antacids. Though they provide temporary relief, it is mostly symptomatic. The understanding of the digestive system and digestion in ayurveda is much more complete and hence the treatment of digestion related problems like dyspepsia is very effective.

According to the symptoms exhibited, the relevant doshahas to be identified and rectified. Increasing the digestive fire is the first line of treatment in this condition. It can be done by simple fasting if the onset of the problem is quiet recent and mild. In case it is slightly severe, then mediums having the digestive and carminative should be given. When the condition is profound and chronic, panchkarma treatment helps to remove the excess accumulated dosha and ama from the body.

Kalpa: Lavanbhaskar Churna, Hingvashtak Churna, Saindhavadi Churna, etc.


Diarrhea is also called loose motion. Diarrhea is not itself a disease, but can be a symptom of several diseases.


1)Mixture of 1 gm each of kutajachurna, gangadharachurna andhingavashtaka churnamay be taken daily with warm water.

2) Mixture of 240 mg mahagandhak yoga and 120 mg sanjivani may be taken daily with honey.

Kalpa: Dadimastaka Churna, bilwadi churna, gangadhar churna, lasunadi vati, shankha vati, sangivani vati, kutaj Ghana vati, changeryadi gutika


Constipation, a condition of the digestive system where a person experiences hard Sewelnat are difficult to eliminate; it may be very painful. Almost everyone gets constipated. In most cases, it last for a short time and is not serious, but sometimes in some severe cases it leads to symptoms of bowel obstruction


1) Mix 4 gm of senna leaves, 3 gm of pulp of amaltas, 5m of rose bud, and 5 gm of harad, Take this mixture with milk at night

2) One-two teaspoons of castor oil taken daily with hot milk at night

3) One-two teaspoons of isabgol husk taken with hot milk.

Kalpa: Triphala churna, panchasakar churna, danitiharitaki, draksharishta. abhayarishta, avipattikar churna, swadista vinechan.

Intestinal Worm:

Intestinal worms are parasites, which infect human beings as well as animals like cats and dogs. Intestinal worms may fur-ther give rise to many other symptoms which are troublesome and which may lead to severe complications.


1) 250 mg krimighan rasa with nagarmootha kwath to be taken three times daily.

2) Get decoction of vidanga and mix it with 250 mg loimikuthar ras and drink mixture three times daily.

Kalpa: Knimikuthar ras, vidangarishta


Irritable bowel syndrome  is a very common digestive disorder, Scientific research has linked it to stress and worry but as yet the exact cause of the disease is unknown.


1) Fresh food and vegetables as well as fruit juices should be consumed to reduce the amount of inflammation in the lining of the stomach.

2) Avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages.

3) Avoid bean, cabbage, citrus food

Kalpa: Chitrakadi vati, hingwashtka churna, sankha vati, mahagandhak ras agnitundi vari, panchamrut parpati, kmvyadiras.


Gastritis is not just one disease but it is a group of conditions, in which there is inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Mostly, this inflammation is a result of infection from the same bacteria, which causes the entire stomach ulcer. Yet there are other factors causing gastritis including traumatic injury and regular use of certain drugs or anti-inflammatory medicines.


1) One-two tsp of sukumara ghrita may be mixed with a cup of milk.

2) 1 gm. of dhatri loha may be given with juice of amalaki

3) One teaspoon of avipatikar churna daily at night


Gastritis and acidity are caused by ingestion of a heavy, rich, spicy, diet, heavily laden with ghee or oil. It can also be triggered by eating food hastily. Those who drink and smoke heavily also suffer from acidity and heartburn.


1) Drink coconut water 3 -4 times a day

2) Harad juice, 1 -2 tsp daily after meal

3) Take dried blossom of tulsi, rind of the neem tree, black pepper and peepal in even quatity grind them m pwdr form. Take 3gms of this powder every morning and evening in plain water.

Kalpa: Avipatikar churna, yashtimadhu churna, sutshekhsr chuma pravalpanchamruta, amalaM churna, kamdudharasa, mishrya churna

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